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Delivery options, times and costs

At the point of payment you can choose between standard delivery at no extra cost, or express delivery at a price of €30. Delivery times for the various delivery methods are indicated when the choice is made, and are valid from the time of dispatch, not from the time the order is received. Deliveries to islands or remote destinations could be subjected to delays. Please note that orders are handled and processed by the delivery warehouse from Monday to Friday, excluding Italian bank holidays.

How to track my order

You can check the status of your order using the tracking information contained in the delivery email. You just need to log in to the DHL website and enter the tracking number in the ‘Track your delivery’ section.

Countries and delivery addresses

doucals.com delivers throughout Europe, including Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It is not possible to enter multiple delivery addresses for the same order. Outside European Countries, Doucal’s website don’t allow shopping.

How can I change the delivery address or date

Thanks to DHL On Demand Delivery service, you can change the delivery address up until the day before delivery. You will be notified by the Courier by email or text message about the date and place of delivery. At the link sent to you, you can change the delivery address or date, or ask that the package be left with a neighbour. The service is reserved to all doucals.com shipments.

Signature on delivery

Packages must be signed for by the recipient upon delivery. However, in accordance with the rules on social distancing to prevent the spread of Covid-19, this may not be possible in some cases.

Delivery duties and taxes

For orders to be delivered to European Countries that requires custom duties, this have to be paid by the customer. For more information, contact the local customs office/corresponding tax authority.

Delivery insurance

Deliveries made from doucals.com are not insured. The signature requested by the Courier constitutes proof of delivery.

What does the GoGreen logo on my package mean?

Doucal’s participates in DHL’s GoGreen project, which aims to offset the shipment’s carbon dioxide emissions by investing in climate protection projects. All orders placed on the doucals.com website have the GoGreen logo, revealing that the shipment has been made with zero impact.